The EDHEC Masters in Management programme has announced the launch of the Global Economic Transformation & Technology (GETT) track delivered in partnership with two prestigious institutions. The track will provide students with core global business transformation skills and a unique immersive educational experience on three continents.
Factors such as rapid innovation, growing entrepreneurship, and disruptive technologies are driving extensive transformations within the business world and creating demand for new skills and managerial practices.
As an ambitious response to these pressing corporate needs, EDHEC’s GETT track is due to open within the School’s Masters in Management programme in September 2017. Students enrolled in the GETT track will gain experience on three continents: Europe, Asia, and North America. Moreover, they will be able to visit and reside in the cities which are at the forefront of these ongoing business transformations and immerse themselves in the most representative professional environment of each location.
The track is delivered in partnership with two renowned international institutions: Sungkyunkwan University SKK Graduate School of Business (South Korea) and UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business (US). Both schools are continuously reaffirming their reputation as top institutions for business education and their quality has been recognised by major rankings and accreditation bodies. The MBA programme at the SKK Graduate School of Business is ranked first in Korea in the Global MBA Ranking 2017 published by the Financial Times, while the Haas School of Business is ranked 13th globally.
“We are very excited to be part of this ground-breaking programme with EDHEC and Berkeley. This unprecedented collaboration between world-leading business schools offers participants unique global experience on three continents,” says Jae Ha Lee, Dean of SKK Graduate School of Business.
The curriculum prepares future graduates for careers in consulting, business development, innovation management, and project evaluation. During the first year, students will be located in Lille and in Seoul, where they will follow core modules, as well as electives and additional courses. Students are then required to complete their so-called professional immersion where they acquire significant professional experience in a relevant field. The final semesters are completed in San Francisco and allow students to gain inside knowledge of the technology and entrepreneurship hub of Silicon Valley.
“This partnership with EDHEC is a wonderful opportunity for us. The GETT Programme fits beautifully with what we do here in Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay area, where we offer one of the world’s strongest innovation and entrepreneurship programmes. We are looking forward to deepening this partnership over time,” explains Richard Lyons, Dean of the Haas School of Business.
The GETT track is the only programme that combines global business transformations (Technology, Sustainable Development, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, etc.) with a truly international immersive experience within the ecosystem of partner institutions. Emmanuel Métais, who specialises in disruptive strategies and was recently appointed new Dean of EDHEC Business School, initiated the GETT track programme.
“This curriculum affords our students a unique opportunity to grasp the future issues for the global economy, while experiencing at close hand the cities and ecosystems currently transforming the world. The new track is without equivalent at present and we thank our partners, SKK Graduate School of Business and UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, for their enthusiastic commitment to this project,” says Mr Métais, PhD, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, EDHEC Business School.
Source: EDHEC Business School