École Polytechnique has launched new Masters programmes in Cybersecurity, Artificial intelligence, Smart Cities, and Ecotechnologies, all taught entirely in English.
École Polytechnique offers a total of eight different Masters of Science and Technology programmes, taught entirely in English. The programmes are two-year graduate degrees: direct admission in M2 (second year of Masters) is open to high-level graduate students with an M1 (first year of Masters) or equivalent in a relevant discipline (60 ECTS validated). Each Master of Science and Technology programme at École Polytechnique includes two internships within the academic programme.
Here are the four new programmes launched in September that have already started welcoming candidates from around the world:
Cybersecurity: Threat and Defence
The Cybersecurity: Threat and Defence programme is based on École Polytechnique’s trademark interdisciplinary approach, and provides participants with necessary expertise in all aspects of cybersecurity – be it hardware or software.
It is a complete programme for future experts in computer security, and for all activities in which protecting data or privacy is essential. Adapting to new threats and finding new defences is a day-to-day challenge. This field needs high-level, technical, multidisciplinary knowledge and a deep understanding of trade, legal, and social issues. This programme requires a strong background in the field of Computer Science.
Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Visual Computing
Falling between computer science and applied mathematics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a constantly growing field, and its recent advances are highly impressive. Its goal is to create intelligent agents or systems capable of operating on their own to achieve difficult goals, such as decision-making or creation tasks.
The Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Visual Computing programme strongly focuses on Artificial Intelligence, including statistical learning and applications to data science. It also covers the exciting, complementary field of Visual Computing, including 3D computer graphics, virtual and augmented reality, multimodal interaction, computer vision, robotics and 3D Fabrication. The programme requires a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. Applicants must have followed at least one statistics course.
Smart Cities and Urban Policy
The Smart Cities and Urban Policy programme provides the know-how to navigate the trends shaping 21st century metropolitan economies. It involves applying advanced quantitative methods to the study of new and transforming metropolitan areas and their competitive environments.
The Smart Cities and Urban Policy programme provides an in-depth understanding of new and transforming metropolitan areas and their competitive environments. Teaching is resolutely professional-oriented, relying on a combination of methodological teachings and real-world case studies to uncover the hidden trends guiding the evolution of metropolitan areas. It is designed for students with a strong mathematical background and an interest in economics.
Ecotechnologies for Sustainability and Environment Management
The Ecotechnologies for Sustainability and Environment Management programme was developed in collaboration with internationally renowned scientists and experts from industrial research centres and with academic teams.
This programme has been designed to answer the demand on a wide variety of sectors, from start-ups to the world’s leading groups, through governmental agencies. It aims to foster real-world technical expertise from resource diagnostic and innovative depollution engineering to integrative strategies for remediation and valorisation. It requires a strong background in Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Geology or Biology.
Applications for September 2019 will open on 15 October.