通過頂尖商學院的Master課程, 開啟你的留學之旅!


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我們深知每個考生在申請海外研究生時所面臨的挑戰!Access Masters始終與你站在一起,提供各種福利支持,旨在幫助學生報名參加夢想課程。為了獎勵承諾和雄心,我們為參加過至少三次“一對一”交流會的學生提供如下獎勵: 

  • 使用優惠代碼 Kaplan_$1000報名參加Kaplan的GMAT全課程/GMAT備考試題/GMAT在線課程/GRE在線課程,課費費用優惠1000美元。(有效期至2021年9月31日)

About this event



Access Masters Tour 是一系列活动,通过互动式面对面会议和小组会谈将合格的候选人与大学联系起来。 该导览旨在指导您寻找与商业课程(管理、金融、营销)相关的硕士学位,引导您到最符合您偏好的学校,并将您与一些世界上最好的大学和商学院联系起来。 如果您是即将毕业的大学生或能说流利英语的应届毕业生,我们可以帮助您找到适合您未来的最佳硕士课程。


注册和参加活动都是免费的。 以下是过程展示:

第 1 步:注册并填写在线注册表,最好在活动前至少 10 天进行。 然后,我们会审核您的个人资料。 Access Masters 团队成员可能会打电话给您,以了解有关您的资格和偏好的更多信息,并确保您的个人资料信息完整。 对话以英语进行。

第 2 步:之后,根据您提供的信息,我们会确定您最感兴趣的大学和商学院,供您在演示、个性化会议和小组会谈期间联系。

第 3 步:您会收到活动日程表。 它包括您可以参加的所有不同的活动形式。


Read more
90% of enrolled students believe the Masters improves their employability
89% of Masters alumni report a positive ROI
60% of alumni increased their median salaries to higher income ranges


"I was struggling to identify suitable Engineering programmes in Europe, but my visit to the Access Masters Fair helped me put my priorities in order and determine where I want to do my Masters."
"I was able to speak with about 10 university representatives and receive documentation from all of them. In addition, I met two business schools in individual meetings before the fair. Thank you for this opportunity!"
"The open fair and the panel discussion were all well-organised and I had all my questions answered by the right people. I'm happy to have met so many schools today!"

Most common questions

Yes, participation in the event is completely free of charge.
A little motivation can go a long way. That’s why Access Masters has been rewarding event participants with prizes such as a campus visit lottery and a EUR/USD 1,000 scholarship, to name a few. To view the incentives offered for a specific event, please check the “Giveaways” tab on the registration page of the event on accessmasterstour.com.
It’s highly recommended that you learn more about the universities you will meet beforehand. Knowing more about the university and the programme will enable you to avoid questions that are easily answered by visiting the school’s website and thus have deeper and more productive conversations with school representatives.
The Access Masters Tour is inherently designed to answer questions like this. By participating you basically try to find out which programme or school is are best suited to help you achieve your specific goals. That’s why it’s important to come to the event with an open mind and explore fearlessly until you find the best solution for your future.
After you register, a member of the Access Masters team will call you to learn more about your qualifications and preferences. Based on the information you provide, you will be connected with the most suitable universities during the presentations, webinars, and personalised meetings.
The schedule will be sent to you after you register. Please arrive at the venue at least 10 minutes earlier.
The Access Masters Tour does not recommend a specific dress code. However, you are encouraged to dress and behave as befits a Masters applicant who wants to make a good impression.
Yes. All event features – presentations, webinars, and personalised meetings – are conducted in English, so the better your English, the more you stand to benefit from the event.

Have questions? We are here for you:

The Access Masters team is composed of over 150 full-time and multi-lingual professionals that work on a daily basis to advance international business education from our offices in Paris, Sofia, Montreal and London.

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